Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hump Day Happenings

This has been a crazy week for us full of early mornings and late nights, but we made it to hump day! Hooray! 

Unfortunately we have had a cold wreaking havoc around here. It started with Harper, and of course it wasn’t too long until we all had a good case of the sniffles. Nothing major, but no one likes a summer cold. I love that my little babes can fight through just about anything and still have the same energy, but this momma was not so quick to recover so it made for a rough couple of days. Our local pool was the best way to keep them occupied and somewhat contained so that quickly became our new favorite hang out. Thank goodness it’s so close! Times like that I wish I could bottle that energy. It might even be enough to replace my coffee ;)

 While attempting to get better I, for some reason, decided it was a good time to start the 21 Day Fix. I have no clue what I was thinking because the energy just wasn’t there, but I made it through the workouts, stuck with the meal plan, and am now over half way through and a few pounds down! Definitely worth the investment and I highly recommend it. I feel great, have tons more energy, and actually feel like I am eating enough which is a first on a “diet” for me. 

 On top of everything else, biggest and best news for me is that I got a job! I applied about a month ago for a job that I thought would be a great fit for me. I never heard back and assumed the opportunity had passed, but last week I got a couple of interviews and I am starting in a couple days! It is perfect for what I am looking for with great opportunities for growth and I couldn’t be more excited! Best part is that I get to bring my girls with me. I am lucky enough to get the best of both worlds and bring some of their silly energy with me to work! 

I have absolutely loved being a stay at home mom and have been so blessed to be able to focus only on my little babes. This last year has been a crazy one, especially with our big move, but it has been so rewarding. I guess the time has finally come to turn in my stay at home mom card and I am so excited to embark on this new adventure!

Enjoy the rest of the week, you are almost there! 


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Toddlers and Tantrums

It has been sass city around here lately.

I thought for a hot minute that we were getting through the terrible two’s with some ease…until the last two weeks came rolling around. The tantrums are daily, the attitude is out of control, and I find myself giving in (for the sake just a little quiet) far more often than I would like to admit. Analiese has quickly gone from 2 to 16 and it is blowing my mind.

I’m not quite sure what flipped the switch, but something set her off. She is talking back, screaming “NO!” whenever I ask her to do anything, and lucky me, she just starting hitting. I’ve been b***h slapped roughly 4 times this week.  Counting isn’t working, time outs are useless, and when I raise my voice she just matches it. I have uttered the phrase “I do not negotiate with terrorists” multiple times…then try to negotiate. With my toddler. While she’s grabbing my face….not very productive.

For the most part lately I have just been waiting it out and she gets bored when she doesn’t get a rise out of me. I will say she is one smart cookie. She knows exactly what she is doing, and exactly how to push our buttons. I’m not looking forward to her teenage years!

We do have it somewhat easy though because it’s only one of our girls giving us a serious run for our money. Thank God for our Harper. I’m pretty sure she knows Ana has been pushing us a little too far lately because she has been extra sweet to compensate. She adds a sweet “pwetty pwease” and a giant smile to even the simplest request, and gives extra hugs and kisses…especially when I look like I’m about to lose it. Her sister and I both owe her a huge thank you!

As frustrated and mad as I sometimes get, I still can’t get over how amazing it is watching my little babes grow into little girls. Their small personalities have gotten very big and at the end of the day I can’t help but smile while day dreaming about what they will be like, what they will do, and how they forge their way in this world. Something tells me Analiese will be able to hold her own. ;)

So I’m curious moms. Any advice for this stressed out momma bear? How did you handle your threenager?
