Thursday, January 8, 2015

I'm back!!

 So let me start by saying once again, I'm sorry that I'm a slacker. Life has been a little beyond crazy and its hard to find time to think, let alone blog. Here I am though, ready to give an update on the insane life of the Hill family. Here. We. Go!

So the biggest news for us right now (for those of you who don't already know) is that the Hill's are packing up and moving to Atlanta in less than a week! Dan's company is starting up an office there and they want him to open it for them. It's such a big opportunity for him and his career and I couldn't be more proud of him! We don't know anyone down there, so of course we are nervous to leave all of our friends and family, but we are so excited to see what this new adventure has in store for us!! 

Another thing that's rocking the Hill household right now is jet lag. Big time. I don't want to complain though because we just had a wonderful two weeks in England! This was the first Christmas and New Year that our little babes got to spend with our English side of the family. They did very well seeing all the new faces (well, new to them) and had a blast the whole time! Of course, Dan's family were over the moon to be able to get to spend that much time with the girls, and it was nice to get a couple breaks to go to the pubs 😉. 

We were also lucky enough to be there for Dan's grandpa's 80th birthday! It was great to be able to celebrate with him, and see even more of Dan's family. Dan's cousin has twin boys who are just 10 weeks younger than Analiese and Harper, so we have been looking forward to getting them together and it was so fun watching them play!! 

Overall, the trip was a complete success and we are missing them already! The sadness of leaving them was lessened just a little bit, because most of Dan's family are planning trips to see us in Atlanta in the second half of the year. Counting down the days already!! 

And of course we need to do an update on our little babes!! Somehow they are now 2 years and 3 months old! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! While they have their moments, overall they are the sweetest most lovable little girls who love to cuddle. They are each other's best friends, and are absolutely inseparable. They are both little chatter boxes (half twin talk, half English) and always manage to know exactly what they are saying, which always cracks me up. They are also music lovers and dancing fools! Everyday, they are still learning and doing more and more, and I just love watching them grow!! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and you all have an amazing 2015! 


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